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5 Habits of Successful Daters

Did you know that habits determine 95% of a person’s behaviour? Adopting the following 5 habits will help you to have more success in your relationships:

Successful dating tips
5 tips to successful dating

Be Proactive

Take control of your life and if you would like to be in a relationship consider ways in which you might try to meet someone. Try not to have predetermined (possibly unrealistic) expectations of how your partner should look and consider what is really important to you in a relationship.

Be Positive

Approach a date with a positive mindset, look for the best in the person you are meeting rather than seeking out the negatives. Don’t write someone off before giving their true personality a chance to shine through.


Rather than jumping headfirst into a relationship, take the time to listen to what someone else has to say and really understand them, so you’ll know if that person is right for you.

Handle rejection gracefully

Rejection is an inevitable part of dating and it’s normal to feel hurt and disappointed but it’s never the end of the world. The important thing is not to take it personally as it’s likely to be down to something you have no control over, learn from the experience and let it go.

Sharpen the Saw

As Stephen Covey quotes in his Habits of Highly Effective People, continually work on self-development so that you can be the best possible version of you.


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