There are more than 17 million single adults in the UK and Manchester has the largest proportion of unattached adults in the country.
More than 54% of the adult population of Manchester are single (that’s 222,585 people, to be exact). This situation reflects out across the adjoining counties and the region.
Why is this? Well, there are a number of reasons, but one of the main factors is the dynamic and developing economy of the city and surrounding area, which is attracting more and more companies to relocate from other parts of the UK and the World. This brings a wide range of diverse people into the region – from different cultural, demographic and economic backgrounds. The challenge is that many of these new arrivals to the city have no roots in the region or personal social networks in the area, which of course makes it harder to meet people and form a relationship. Plus, the nature of many of these companies – in high-tech, the media and new industries – tends to involve long working hours with less time for leisure to spend time at the traditional meeting points for singles.
Add to this increasing divorce rates and a general trend to leave the forming of long-term relationships until later in life (due to pressures of education and career) and you start to see why there are more singles per head than anywhere else in the UK.
But this isn’t a bad news story. If you’re single and looking for a serious relationship, there are 222,584 other people (just in Manchester) who are in exactly the same situation. The key is to meet the right one.
INTRO is a new type of matchmaking and introductions agency. We’re not about apps and software – we’re real experienced people with the expertise to match you with genuine potential partners. We get to know you as a person. We meet with you for a face-to-face chat, so that we can fully understand what you’re looking for in a potential partner. We call it ‘Modern Matchmaking’ and we’re introducing people across Manchester, Cheshire and the North West right now.
Say Hello to INTRO.